Thursday, 20 March 2014

Task 2

Anecdote- Personal experience or story you could possibly relate to:
This is very easy for some teenagers to relate to because even though a lot of teenagers think they know what abuse is, they don't always know what sexual abuse and verbal abuse is. This advert could show them.

Adjectives- Crisp, fresh, healthy, nutritious etc.
This advert uses adjectives such as power, clings and tough.

Repetition- Key points, points about the product, themes etc.
This advert repeats their website throughout the whole advert.

Statistics- Often presented as factually accurate but sometimes they are a bit dubious:
This advert shows statistics as they show how the product works and how long it takes to work.

Facts- A statement that is true and can be proven:
This adverts does an experiment on a person from the general public and then shows us the results of the product.

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