Thursday, 20 March 2014

Task 4

Advert 1
Product name: Nescafe's ad
Persuasive techniques: Dreams and fantasy
USP: This coffee is completely natural, tastes better and has better effects when drinking it.

Advert 2
Product name: Lynx
Persuasive techniques: Successful romance and love
USP: They say the smell attracts more people than any other deodorant.

Advert 3
Product name: Adidas
Persuasive techniques: Elite people or experts
USP: They show experts talking about the trainers and how good they are. This insinuates that adidas are better than other trainers, they serve a purpose.

Task 2

Anecdote- Personal experience or story you could possibly relate to:
This is very easy for some teenagers to relate to because even though a lot of teenagers think they know what abuse is, they don't always know what sexual abuse and verbal abuse is. This advert could show them.

Adjectives- Crisp, fresh, healthy, nutritious etc.
This advert uses adjectives such as power, clings and tough.

Repetition- Key points, points about the product, themes etc.
This advert repeats their website throughout the whole advert.

Statistics- Often presented as factually accurate but sometimes they are a bit dubious:
This advert shows statistics as they show how the product works and how long it takes to work.

Facts- A statement that is true and can be proven:
This adverts does an experiment on a person from the general public and then shows us the results of the product.

Task 1

What is advertising?

  • Advertising is a set of communications or activities used to influence and persuade viewers to purchase products and use different services.
View three different contemporary TV adverts and list three key characteristics of them:

  • Repetition
  • Facts
  • Adjectives
Kellogg's crunchy nut:
  • Fast talking
  • Repetition
  • View of object
  • Music
  • Iconic celebrity
  • View of product

Monday, 10 March 2014

Advert ideas

This is our first ten ideas for an advert.
College- A music video of a random montage.
Book- Author speaking about the book.
Water- Teenagers drinking water in a park in summer.
Travel- Person travelling on the underground, Goes in train station in the day, comes out when dark.
LGBT- Everyone walking around (Voice over explain that some of those people are gay).
Shoes- Basic shoes, woman walking with head down. Amazing shoes, woman walking confidently.
Fast food- Somebody happily eating a burger and sipping coke (Voice over saying the place).
Perfume- Woman sprays perfume and becomes irresistible.
Colour pencils- Children using the pencils then mother smiling at them whilst cooking.
Rubix Cube- A range of people in different places trying to complete the cube.
We then narrowed our ideas down to two and one of our ideas were City of Westminster college. We expanded on the idea and produced this diagram above. It would have been a massive collage of a range of clips, from students in the college in class to outside of college in tourist attractions with a group of friends having fun and being generally happy.
Our final idea is the Rubix Cube. We decided to go through with this idea because it was an idea we all agreed would work and would enjoy watching. The advert will begin with a person's face looking down, concentrating on something. The camera will then slowly go down to reveal to product which will be the Rubix Cube. We zoom into the Rubix Cube and then zoom out to find someone else trying to complete the Rubix Cube. We do the same thing with six people and the last person makes one last move and completes it. Confetti then goes up in the air as the person celebrates and then we have another clip of them holding the completed Rubix Cube without the whole celebration (The celebration is in their head).