Monday, 30 September 2013

The characteristics of existing interactive videos

Interactive video is a technique to merge both interaction and linear film video. There are many different types of interactive videos, including; Customizable, exploratory and conversational online interactive videos. Customizable videos allows the user to adjust some variables and then can be customized to the user's particular preference. Exploratory videos allow the user to look at an object such as a piece of artwork from multiple angles almost as though the user was looking at the object in real life. Conversational online interactive videos allow the users to interact with a video almost as though the user was actually having a conversation with the characters in the video in real life.

I watched four different viral videos, two of which were viral adverts and two of which were just YouTube viral videos. One stood out the most for me and that was a viral advert made by Dove self-esteem fund called The dove evolution. This advert began with a regular woman with no make-up on, bad skin and her hair wasn't done. She looks straight into the camera and they speed up the video whilst a range of people are around the woman, putting make-up on her and doing her hair. They then show how they edit the woman's face on Photoshop, making her look flawless but also making her look like a complete different person. They end the advert with an edited version of the woman on a billboard with people walking by and admiring her 'beauty'. The reason behind this advert was to create awareness to teenage girls that believe the women they look at in magazines and believe are much nicer than them are actually made to look like that even though they are all just as 'normal' as everybody else.

A lot of teenage girls have a very low self-esteem because of the models they see in the media such as magazines, billboards, adverts and so on. The models look flawless with a perfect shaped body and amazing facial features causing males to look at other girls in a different way making those girls feel bad about themselves, constantly wanting to lose weight, constantly studying their flaws and neglecting their beauty and I believe it's because of the media. The only reason I don't like this advert is because it's been made by Dove, a company that makes a range of skin creams to make women look younger. I believe their fund is extremely hypercritical and although they have made adverts using women of different shapes and sizes, they still have the women wearing make-up which completely over rights the point of the advert itself.

Overall I did like the advert and the message it portrayed, although I didn't like the founders. I think I may have understood the concept of this advert much more, knowing a different company had made the fund. The characteristics of existing interactive videos are portrayed in different ways and there are also quite a few differences between them.

I found this viral advert on

My four viral videos

Title of video:
Old spice | The man your man could smell like.


What's happening?
Tracking shot of a man promoting an aftershave. He tells the viewer about why they should buy the product.

Targeted audience:
The targeted audience is meant to be a man even though he is actually talking to women. Between the ages of 21-35.

Where was it found?

What is it trying to do?
To get the men to buy old spice aftershave.

Title of video:
Dove evolution


What's happening?
They begin with a woman with no make-up on and her hair is quite plain. She looks straight into the camera and they zoom the whole video of people putting a lot of make-up on her and doing her hair. They then show how they edit her face on Photoshop, making her look like a complete different person. The advert is ended with the edited version of the woman on a billboard.

Targeted audience:
15 - 35 year old women.

Where was this found?

What is it trying to do?
They show everybody is equal and shouldn't have a low self-esteem.

Title of video:
Ghetto Christmas carols


What's happening?
A youtuber makes a parody of different Christmas carols.

Targeted audience:
15 - 23 (Both genders)

Where was this found?

What is it trying to do?
Entertain and make viewers laugh.

Title of video:
16 annoying things


What's happening?
A youtuber lists things that, in his opinion, are annoying.

Targeted audience:
15-23 (Both genders)

Where was this found?

What is it trying to do?
This video is made for viewers entertainment only.

Thursday, 19 September 2013


- Me skipping down a hallway towards the camera and clips of me just making faces at the camera.

- Medium shot of me speaking into the camera.
- Another clip of me being silly.

- Medium shot of myself talking to the camera.
- Clip of me.

- Medium shot of me talking to the camera.
-Clips of friends in college.

- Cemre Speaking into the camera (Medium shot).
-Clip of me.

- Shows images of my photography work.

- Medium shot of me talking to the camera.
- Clip of me.

- Medium shot of me talking to the camera.

- Medium shot of me talking to the camera.


- ‘Hi, I’m Michaela. I’m sixteen years old and I’m studying creative media level three production at City of Westminster college’

- I used to have a lot of hobbies such as tae kwon do, badminton and tennis, but I ended up having to give it all up for photography.

- I really want to do a fashion photography course in the London college of fashion, But to get there; I need to get certain grades in media.

- College life was very different to what I thought it would be. I thought I wouldn’t really talk to anyone, I thought I would be the shy one, but I ended up making really nice friends.

- His opinion of me.

- I’d like to become a fashion photographer because since the age of nine, I’ve always loved photography.

- Most people’s role models are normally somebody famous or even their parents, but my role model is my brother. He had a dream, he was determined and he has now achieved that dream.

- I’ve been to four primary schools and three secondary schools because since the age of 12 I’ve moved around quite a bit. I can’t live without music; I can’t even wake up in the mornings without it.

- My mum Fay was born here but her side of the family are from Jamaica. My dad’s side is from America. I have an older brother Ashley and a younger sister, Skye.


Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Use of video

Interactive video platfoms

About me

Hey bloggers, I'm Michaela. I love photography and erm.. yeah! I'm normally a bubbly person and love speaking to others. My favourite movie is Toy story because it's awesome!!! I make youtube videos because I like making people laugh.. I'm funny anyway *pftt*. I hate spiders because they are HORRIBLE, They seriously don't need eight legs... that's greedy!
Okay so I kind of like one direction (Don't judge me), THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL! Little outburst.. My bad. Well bye!