Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Final Cut Pro Guide
Go to 'Final cut pro' and click 'System setting...'
Press set
Make a folder for everything to be saved on.
And then click OK.
And then press OK again.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Monday, 25 November 2013
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
a) Watch the 'Introduction to Editing' video. Take notes about editing here:
The Gloaming
• What is editing?
The process of selecting from different shots and joining them together to make a story.
• What is Elliptical editing?
It allows us to fill in the gaps, moves the story on more quickly and takes up less time on screen.
• Why are long shots used?
Setting scenes; To feel a particular emotion (In this video, sea sick)
• What is ‘non-diagetic sound’?
Sounds that is played in the background which the actor cannot hear but the viewer can. (Music).
• How do we know she is bending down to pick up the ring? (what shots are used and why?)
They make us fill in yet another gap as she looks at the ring (Close up of face), The camera then focuses on the ring on the ground as we see the girls hand reaching to pick it up (close up of ring and hand on the ground). (Meaning she has bent down).
• Overhead establishing shot – what does this achieve?
To set out the space the action will take place.
• What is Shot-Reverse-Shot?
Cutting between two people and even though they are not in the same shot, the viewer still believe they are looking at and speaking to each other.
• What is Eye-line matching?
The man standing up is looking down and the man sitting down is looking up making it look like they are giving each other eye contact because the angles of their eyes.
• Why do we cut to the other members of the group?
So the viewer can see their reactions to both the plan and each other.
• What is a wipe?
When the scene has moved to a different location and time.
• What is the effect of using quick cuts?
It creates a fast rhythm which moves the story along and keeps the viewers on their toes.
b) Now watch ‘Editing: The Invisible Art’ and take notes:
• How can editing build tension and pace?
It builds tension by making the shots shorter and more frequent.
• What is crosscutting?
showing two different things (in different shots by going back and forth).
• What are reaction shots?
showing a group of people's reactions.
• What is seamless editing?
Because a lot of things are going on, the viewers don't realise the work of the editor.
• What is a jump cut?
A deliberate joke and a way for the film maker to let the audience in on the film making process to expose rather than hide the edit.
• What is a flash back and what does it achieve?
To take the audience from one point in time to another. Often used as a back story which is normally a key point in the movie.
• How can editing be used poetically?
It makes the readers connect things such as umbrellas outside and two women in a cinema (Its obvious, it's raining outside and the women are warm inside) Not all the connections are as easy to put together. It then jumps to another shot of two men falling through a glass roof, This makes the viewers active as to why all of those shots has been put together.
C. Watch ‘Playing with Time’ – watch the film ‘The Gloaming’. Write a short evaluation of the editing used in this film. Refer to detailed examples from the film and use the terminology you have learnt today.
It begins with a blank screen whilst playing very simple, happy music in the background (quite loud). They then continue the music and show two people in the middle of nowhere riding away on a motorbike, I think he used an extreme wide shot because he wanted to show the surrounding and where they were. They show a close up of the girl on the back of the motorbike to make the viewers aware of her emotion. They show the couple being very happy together and then the movie gets very dark and the music begins to get quite 'doom and gloom' while the girl is in alone in the dark woods. They make this shot a wide shot so the audience can yet again see exactly what was around her. They keep showing the girl being scared and switching from her to her flashbacks of her and her boyfriend being together. This is called a quick cut. They show her doing other things like sleeping, sitting by the fire and even washing, but all the way through they keep using the dark and scary music to keep the viewers on their toes. In the end she finds a ring (which was her boyfriends) and they show an extreme close up of her face as she gets back up from picking it up, showing her emotion and making the viewer feel that same emotion.
6. Editor Job profile: http://www.skillset.org/film/jobs/post/article_4732_1.asp
Read the Film editor job profile. Then, summarise in your own words the key aspects of being an editor. Explain what other people the editor works with and the skills needed.
Editor Job Role:
The editor has a big role in the media industry. Before the producer beings to shoot something e.g. a movie, they have to discuss with the editor to figure out exactly what they want and need. They begin by working in a cutting room. Their jobs are very hard to do, editors have to check the technical standards. The key skills included are to have the ability to be creative under pressure, patience, attention to detail and good organisational skills and highly developed aesthetic visual awareness. They have to work with people such as; The directors, producers, film crew and audio workers.
The Gloaming
• What is editing?
The process of selecting from different shots and joining them together to make a story.
• What is Elliptical editing?
It allows us to fill in the gaps, moves the story on more quickly and takes up less time on screen.
• Why are long shots used?
Setting scenes; To feel a particular emotion (In this video, sea sick)
• What is ‘non-diagetic sound’?
Sounds that is played in the background which the actor cannot hear but the viewer can. (Music).
• How do we know she is bending down to pick up the ring? (what shots are used and why?)
They make us fill in yet another gap as she looks at the ring (Close up of face), The camera then focuses on the ring on the ground as we see the girls hand reaching to pick it up (close up of ring and hand on the ground). (Meaning she has bent down).
• Overhead establishing shot – what does this achieve?
To set out the space the action will take place.
• What is Shot-Reverse-Shot?
Cutting between two people and even though they are not in the same shot, the viewer still believe they are looking at and speaking to each other.
• What is Eye-line matching?
The man standing up is looking down and the man sitting down is looking up making it look like they are giving each other eye contact because the angles of their eyes.
• Why do we cut to the other members of the group?
So the viewer can see their reactions to both the plan and each other.
• What is a wipe?
When the scene has moved to a different location and time.
• What is the effect of using quick cuts?
It creates a fast rhythm which moves the story along and keeps the viewers on their toes.
b) Now watch ‘Editing: The Invisible Art’ and take notes:
• How can editing build tension and pace?
It builds tension by making the shots shorter and more frequent.
• What is crosscutting?
showing two different things (in different shots by going back and forth).
• What are reaction shots?
showing a group of people's reactions.
• What is seamless editing?
Because a lot of things are going on, the viewers don't realise the work of the editor.
• What is a jump cut?
A deliberate joke and a way for the film maker to let the audience in on the film making process to expose rather than hide the edit.
• What is a flash back and what does it achieve?
To take the audience from one point in time to another. Often used as a back story which is normally a key point in the movie.
• How can editing be used poetically?
It makes the readers connect things such as umbrellas outside and two women in a cinema (Its obvious, it's raining outside and the women are warm inside) Not all the connections are as easy to put together. It then jumps to another shot of two men falling through a glass roof, This makes the viewers active as to why all of those shots has been put together.
C. Watch ‘Playing with Time’ – watch the film ‘The Gloaming’. Write a short evaluation of the editing used in this film. Refer to detailed examples from the film and use the terminology you have learnt today.
It begins with a blank screen whilst playing very simple, happy music in the background (quite loud). They then continue the music and show two people in the middle of nowhere riding away on a motorbike, I think he used an extreme wide shot because he wanted to show the surrounding and where they were. They show a close up of the girl on the back of the motorbike to make the viewers aware of her emotion. They show the couple being very happy together and then the movie gets very dark and the music begins to get quite 'doom and gloom' while the girl is in alone in the dark woods. They make this shot a wide shot so the audience can yet again see exactly what was around her. They keep showing the girl being scared and switching from her to her flashbacks of her and her boyfriend being together. This is called a quick cut. They show her doing other things like sleeping, sitting by the fire and even washing, but all the way through they keep using the dark and scary music to keep the viewers on their toes. In the end she finds a ring (which was her boyfriends) and they show an extreme close up of her face as she gets back up from picking it up, showing her emotion and making the viewer feel that same emotion.
6. Editor Job profile: http://www.skillset.org/film/jobs/post/article_4732_1.asp
Read the Film editor job profile. Then, summarise in your own words the key aspects of being an editor. Explain what other people the editor works with and the skills needed.
Editor Job Role:
The editor has a big role in the media industry. Before the producer beings to shoot something e.g. a movie, they have to discuss with the editor to figure out exactly what they want and need. They begin by working in a cutting room. Their jobs are very hard to do, editors have to check the technical standards. The key skills included are to have the ability to be creative under pressure, patience, attention to detail and good organisational skills and highly developed aesthetic visual awareness. They have to work with people such as; The directors, producers, film crew and audio workers.
Monday, 21 October 2013
Monday, 14 October 2013
Glossary of terms
Video formats, eg .mov, avi- Different layers of videos that store along with formats e.g. avi and mov.
Streaming- Streaming allows users to watch clips and whole movies without having to download it. They usually need to buffer first.
File compression- File compression makes the file smaller and makes sending a file send faster.
Frame rates- The number of images photographed per second. Film rate: 24.
Streaming- Streaming allows users to watch clips and whole movies without having to download it. They usually need to buffer first.
File compression- File compression makes the file smaller and makes sending a file send faster.
Frame rates- The number of images photographed per second. Film rate: 24.
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Pros and cons of viral marketing
This essay is all about the pro and cons of viral marketing, why it could be a bad idea and why it could also be a good idea.
Viral marketing has it's advantages, such as low cost. Making adverts to put on the television can be extremely expensive, costing as little as £3,000 to £10,000 (I found this information on http://www.tvadvertising.co.uk/costs?gclid=CKSe3rDIiroCFVDItAodj04Aig). The fact that viral marketing it much cheaper and is seen just as well, draws the advertisers to advertise online. In today's society, nearly everybody between the ages of twelve and sixty, are using the internet for social networking such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter etc. The advertisers know that if they post their advert on a social networking site, people will see it and depending on how much they like the advert, they will also post the advert they watched on a social networking site, causing it to go around fast, just as the advertiser had hoped for.
The disadvantage to this is it could be spam. Advertising in such a way, the viewer hates it but also sends it around a social networking site saying things such as 'This videos is so rubbish, must watch'. This could lead to everybody hating the one advert, but it still goes around fast, just in a negative way. A classic example of a bad viral advert is the 'Go compare' advert (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_-9QFvhQWo). It's a advert that nearly everyone hates because the song is so annoying but it is also very catchy, which were the advertisers initial intentions, to get people to send it around (promoting) their advert.
Another disadvantage when it comes to viral marketing is the fact that a lot of people make parody versions of the in particular advert. This could then make people not take the original advert seriously and almost make a joke out of it, losing the advertiser money and business.
Either way I believe viral marketing is a risk that advertisers should be willing to take if they want to save money and have their advert travel around from person to person, increasing views much faster than it would on the television.
“One theme [of viral marketing] will likely recur: originality. Originality that draws on popular culture or is so brilliant that it becomes popular culture.” -Which was found on:
Viral marketing has it's advantages, such as low cost. Making adverts to put on the television can be extremely expensive, costing as little as £3,000 to £10,000 (I found this information on http://www.tvadvertising.co.uk/costs?gclid=CKSe3rDIiroCFVDItAodj04Aig). The fact that viral marketing it much cheaper and is seen just as well, draws the advertisers to advertise online. In today's society, nearly everybody between the ages of twelve and sixty, are using the internet for social networking such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter etc. The advertisers know that if they post their advert on a social networking site, people will see it and depending on how much they like the advert, they will also post the advert they watched on a social networking site, causing it to go around fast, just as the advertiser had hoped for.
The disadvantage to this is it could be spam. Advertising in such a way, the viewer hates it but also sends it around a social networking site saying things such as 'This videos is so rubbish, must watch'. This could lead to everybody hating the one advert, but it still goes around fast, just in a negative way. A classic example of a bad viral advert is the 'Go compare' advert (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_-9QFvhQWo). It's a advert that nearly everyone hates because the song is so annoying but it is also very catchy, which were the advertisers initial intentions, to get people to send it around (promoting) their advert.
Another disadvantage when it comes to viral marketing is the fact that a lot of people make parody versions of the in particular advert. This could then make people not take the original advert seriously and almost make a joke out of it, losing the advertiser money and business.
Either way I believe viral marketing is a risk that advertisers should be willing to take if they want to save money and have their advert travel around from person to person, increasing views much faster than it would on the television.
“One theme [of viral marketing] will likely recur: originality. Originality that draws on popular culture or is so brilliant that it becomes popular culture.” -Which was found on:
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
A video profile of photographer Jimmy Chin
I watched a video profile of photographer from Jimmy Chin. Jimmy spoke about a few personal details about himself and reasons behind his photography and aspirations. I really liked the way he used his photography as examples whilst he actually spoke about it. I also liked the way he spoke about the dangers of rock climbing as they showed him climbing a cliff. He often uses camera shots to show the viewer exactly what he means. At the end, he spoke about catching the perfect shot and as two people jumped from a cliff, he freeze-framed the image/shot to make it look as though he had taken a real photo.
Monday, 30 September 2013
The characteristics of existing interactive videos
Interactive video is a technique to merge both interaction and linear film video. There are many different types of interactive videos, including; Customizable, exploratory and conversational online interactive videos. Customizable videos allows the user to adjust some variables and then can be customized to the user's particular preference. Exploratory videos allow the user to look at an object such as a piece of artwork from multiple angles almost as though the user was looking at the object in real life. Conversational online interactive videos allow the users to interact with a video almost as though the user was actually having a conversation with the characters in the video in real life.
I watched four different viral videos, two of which were viral adverts and two of which were just YouTube viral videos. One stood out the most for me and that was a viral advert made by Dove self-esteem fund called The dove evolution. This advert began with a regular woman with no make-up on, bad skin and her hair wasn't done. She looks straight into the camera and they speed up the video whilst a range of people are around the woman, putting make-up on her and doing her hair. They then show how they edit the woman's face on Photoshop, making her look flawless but also making her look like a complete different person. They end the advert with an edited version of the woman on a billboard with people walking by and admiring her 'beauty'. The reason behind this advert was to create awareness to teenage girls that believe the women they look at in magazines and believe are much nicer than them are actually made to look like that even though they are all just as 'normal' as everybody else.
A lot of teenage girls have a very low self-esteem because of the models they see in the media such as magazines, billboards, adverts and so on. The models look flawless with a perfect shaped body and amazing facial features causing males to look at other girls in a different way making those girls feel bad about themselves, constantly wanting to lose weight, constantly studying their flaws and neglecting their beauty and I believe it's because of the media. The only reason I don't like this advert is because it's been made by Dove, a company that makes a range of skin creams to make women look younger. I believe their fund is extremely hypercritical and although they have made adverts using women of different shapes and sizes, they still have the women wearing make-up which completely over rights the point of the advert itself.
Overall I did like the advert and the message it portrayed, although I didn't like the founders. I think I may have understood the concept of this advert much more, knowing a different company had made the fund. The characteristics of existing interactive videos are portrayed in different ways and there are also quite a few differences between them.
I found this viral advert on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYhCn0jf46U
I watched four different viral videos, two of which were viral adverts and two of which were just YouTube viral videos. One stood out the most for me and that was a viral advert made by Dove self-esteem fund called The dove evolution. This advert began with a regular woman with no make-up on, bad skin and her hair wasn't done. She looks straight into the camera and they speed up the video whilst a range of people are around the woman, putting make-up on her and doing her hair. They then show how they edit the woman's face on Photoshop, making her look flawless but also making her look like a complete different person. They end the advert with an edited version of the woman on a billboard with people walking by and admiring her 'beauty'. The reason behind this advert was to create awareness to teenage girls that believe the women they look at in magazines and believe are much nicer than them are actually made to look like that even though they are all just as 'normal' as everybody else.
A lot of teenage girls have a very low self-esteem because of the models they see in the media such as magazines, billboards, adverts and so on. The models look flawless with a perfect shaped body and amazing facial features causing males to look at other girls in a different way making those girls feel bad about themselves, constantly wanting to lose weight, constantly studying their flaws and neglecting their beauty and I believe it's because of the media. The only reason I don't like this advert is because it's been made by Dove, a company that makes a range of skin creams to make women look younger. I believe their fund is extremely hypercritical and although they have made adverts using women of different shapes and sizes, they still have the women wearing make-up which completely over rights the point of the advert itself.
Overall I did like the advert and the message it portrayed, although I didn't like the founders. I think I may have understood the concept of this advert much more, knowing a different company had made the fund. The characteristics of existing interactive videos are portrayed in different ways and there are also quite a few differences between them.
I found this viral advert on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYhCn0jf46U
My four viral videos
Title of video:
Old spice | The man your man could smell like.
What's happening?
Tracking shot of a man promoting an aftershave. He tells the viewer about why they should buy the product.
Targeted audience:
The targeted audience is meant to be a man even though he is actually talking to women. Between the ages of 21-35.
Where was it found?
What is it trying to do?
To get the men to buy old spice aftershave.
Title of video:
Dove evolution
What's happening?
They begin with a woman with no make-up on and her hair is quite plain. She looks straight into the camera and they zoom the whole video of people putting a lot of make-up on her and doing her hair. They then show how they edit her face on Photoshop, making her look like a complete different person. The advert is ended with the edited version of the woman on a billboard.
Targeted audience:
15 - 35 year old women.
Where was this found?
What is it trying to do?
They show everybody is equal and shouldn't have a low self-esteem.
Title of video:
Ghetto Christmas carols
What's happening?
A youtuber makes a parody of different Christmas carols.
Targeted audience:
15 - 23 (Both genders)
Where was this found?
What is it trying to do?
Entertain and make viewers laugh.
Title of video:
16 annoying things
What's happening?
A youtuber lists things that, in his opinion, are annoying.
Targeted audience:
15-23 (Both genders)
Where was this found?
What is it trying to do?
This video is made for viewers entertainment only.
Old spice | The man your man could smell like.
What's happening?
Tracking shot of a man promoting an aftershave. He tells the viewer about why they should buy the product.
Targeted audience:
The targeted audience is meant to be a man even though he is actually talking to women. Between the ages of 21-35.
Where was it found?
What is it trying to do?
To get the men to buy old spice aftershave.
Title of video:
Dove evolution
What's happening?
They begin with a woman with no make-up on and her hair is quite plain. She looks straight into the camera and they zoom the whole video of people putting a lot of make-up on her and doing her hair. They then show how they edit her face on Photoshop, making her look like a complete different person. The advert is ended with the edited version of the woman on a billboard.
Targeted audience:
15 - 35 year old women.
Where was this found?
What is it trying to do?
They show everybody is equal and shouldn't have a low self-esteem.
Title of video:
Ghetto Christmas carols
What's happening?
A youtuber makes a parody of different Christmas carols.
Targeted audience:
15 - 23 (Both genders)
Where was this found?
What is it trying to do?
Entertain and make viewers laugh.
Title of video:
16 annoying things
What's happening?
A youtuber lists things that, in his opinion, are annoying.
Targeted audience:
15-23 (Both genders)
Where was this found?
What is it trying to do?
This video is made for viewers entertainment only.
Thursday, 19 September 2013
- Me skipping down a
hallway towards the camera and clips of me just making faces at the camera.
- Medium shot of me
speaking into the camera.
- Another clip of me
being silly.
- Medium shot of
myself talking to the camera.
- Clip of me.
- Medium shot of me
talking to the camera.
-Clips of friends in
- Cemre Speaking
into the camera (Medium shot).
-Clip of me.
- Shows images of my
photography work.
- Medium shot of me
talking to the camera.
- Clip of me.
- Medium shot of me
talking to the camera.
- Medium shot of me
talking to the camera.
- ‘Hi, I’m Michaela.
I’m sixteen years old and I’m studying creative media level three production
at City of Westminster college’
- I used to have a
lot of hobbies such as tae kwon do, badminton and tennis, but I ended up
having to give it all up for photography.
- I really want to
do a fashion photography course in the London college of fashion, But to get there;
I need to get certain grades in media.
- College life was
very different to what I thought it would be. I thought I wouldn’t really
talk to anyone, I thought I would be the shy one, but I ended up making
really nice friends.
- His opinion of me.
- I’d like to become
a fashion photographer because since the age of nine, I’ve always loved
- Most people’s role
models are normally somebody famous or even their parents, but my role model
is my brother. He had a dream, he was determined and he has now achieved that
- I’ve been to four
primary schools and three secondary schools because since the age of 12 I’ve
moved around quite a bit. I can’t live without music; I can’t even wake up in
the mornings without it.
- My mum Fay was
born here but her side of the family are from Jamaica. My dad’s side is from
America. I have an older brother Ashley and a younger sister, Skye.
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
About me
Hey bloggers, I'm Michaela. I love photography and erm.. yeah! I'm normally a bubbly person and love speaking to others. My favourite movie is Toy story because it's awesome!!! I make youtube videos because I like making people laugh.. I'm funny anyway *pftt*. I hate spiders because they are HORRIBLE, They seriously don't need eight legs... that's greedy!
Okay so I kind of like one direction (Don't judge me), THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL! Little outburst.. My bad. Well bye!
Okay so I kind of like one direction (Don't judge me), THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL! Little outburst.. My bad. Well bye!
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