Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Interesting framing techniques

I believe these photos I have taken are interesting because they aren't obvious. This type of photography is call abstract which does not represent external reality, but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, colours and textures, which has all been portrayed in my photos.

Blurred Motion

ISO- 400
Aperture- F10
Setting- Manual
Shutter Speed- 2s

Monday, 23 February 2015

Defenition of rule of thirds

The Rule of Thirds is when you divide a picture into three equal segments. You then use the grid to position the object of interest in one of the thirds which will automatically catch your eye, allowing for the image to flow better.

This is a photo I have taken, but here are some more examples:

Large depth of field

Aperture- F22
Shutter Speed- 1/500
ISO- 400
Large depth of field is when a photo is taken without having a focus point, the photo is continuous until we can't see anymore. It is normally used when taking scenic photos.

Shallow depth of field

Aperture- F5.5
ISO- 400
Setting- AV
Shallow depth of field is when a photo has a main focus point and everything else in the background is blurred out. Most people tend to use this when taking nature photos or when they're taking photos of people in a busy surrounding.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Photographs demonstrating the use of shadows

With shadow photography, all settings are kept the same on the camera just like the photographs used when using the reflector. The only difference now is that we have taken the reflector away and taken the photos from the opposite side of the spot light. This is normally used mainly for males, as the shadows focus of the muscles and structure of their face which gives a masculine feature.

Light Graffiti

Settings for light graffiti:
- Manual mode
- TV
- Shutter speed at 30 seconds
- ISO at 200

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Photographs based on a photo I love

This photo was Taken by Joey L. I love the fact that this photo captures the snow falling whilst still focusing on the model. I find this photo interesting because although we can see the man is stuck in a blizzard, it automatically makes us ask more questions because of the way Joey L famed the image. We ask questions such as Where is he? Why was he out there? We then go on to create a story about this man in the photo.
After seeing this photo, I decided to take the opportunity and take some of my own while it was snowing. Being so interested in fashion photography, I decided to incorporate both fields of photography and this is what I got: