Monday, 19 May 2014

Evaluation on advertisement for Hubba Bubba

After editing our advert, we showed it to our class who gave us some constructive criticism. One student said the storyline was good because the whole advert was about the product and didn't lose track of the subject. Another student said that they liked the editing skills and the way we used spilt screen when showing both Michael and Samuel blowing bubbles. We repeated "Hubba Bubba" many times to remind people what we were advertising, which another student pointed out and they also liked the way we used animation within the advert which they said was quite complex.
Although we got quite a lot of positive feedback, we also got some criticism which helped us further. We were told to use more camera shots because we didn't use many close ups and we were also told that we could have used a voice over so the advert wouldn't echo. A student told us to use more scientific facts and less ingredients because it makes people think they're eating a load of chemicals, which I agreed with. The last student noticed that there was an obvious jump cut which made the advert look a little bit messy, so we are currently trying to fix it.
In my opinion, I liked the way the advert was humorous and was quite bubbly which drew the audience in and also related to the fact that the advert was for bubble gum. Although I enjoyed the advert, there were some faults. The editing skills were very good but there were a few glitches that made it look quite amateur. I would have probably used more science to prove why Hubba Bubba is a better bubble gum compared to the leading competitor. We didn't hear any facts about the leading competitor and I think if we heard more about it, it would show that Hubba Bubba was in fact a better bubblegum. I also think if we had used happy background music, it would have drew the audience in a bit more, even though it already drew the audience in, it still didn't have that 'WOW factor'. With just a few more facts and changes, our advert would be much better and much more professional.
Although our advert was successful, it wasn't our initial idea. We began filming for a Rubik's cube advert but it failed as we didn't get good shots and the cube broke, so we chose another one of our ideas and decided to go with Hubba Bubba. It was quite rushed because we recorded the whole thing in less than an hour and a half and we didn't have a script which made it harder for us. In the end it came out ok but not great but it still pleased the audience.
I'm not sure our advert actually communicated with our target audience. It may have drawn the audience between the ages of 12-18, but anything under or over that was probably less interested. I think it's harder to get through to such a wide target audience because we had to make it quite childish but also mature, which isn't easy at all.
Compared to any other chewing/ bubble gum advert, ours was much more upbeat and happy, whereas all the other adverts all are quite colourful and also quite complicated.